For many of us, the traditional approach to preparing a lecture has always been to create content on our computers using various applications, then saving this content as PDF or Powerpoint presentations, and finally uploading these files to our learning management system or to a cloud drive from where it can be shared with students and colleagues.

While Beebop can still be used as a container for links and files to download, a much better option would be to skip a few steps and create our content directly there as 'Pages' and 'Assignments', particularly if this content is something we expect to be using for more than one class.

The better way

The advantages of having Pages instead of external documents are many:

One-off uploads

Having made the argument for creating Pages and Assignment as ‘the better option’, there are also situations where the opposite is true.

Often there will be magazine articles, images, research papers and other documents that we’d like to share with our current students, but which may be very topical and would not lend themselves to be used again and again in over the years.

In this case creating new Pages with their own title and tags, only to have them as containers for these external documents, would be a waste of time and cause unnecessary clutter in Beebop's list of Pages.

Instead, the best way to treat this kind of content is to create a new Post on the Class Discussion Channel where we can upload new files, images, media (as well as reusing files from our own Beebop Files) and add text just as we do in Pages to provide context and commentary.

All these files that we upload to a Post will also be added automatically to our own Beebop Files, so they can also be used again for future posts or even in Pages if we change our mind.

In Conclusion

Any time we have something to share with our students, we should ask ourselves the following questions:

  1. Is this something I can use again next year without modifications?
    Can it be presented as a self-contained resource?

    – YES > Create a Page

  2. If I want to include content created by someone else, is it worth reformatting this content within the Page and just providing credit to the original source as a link?

    – NO > Has this content already been uploaded on Beebop so it can be found in my Beebop Files?

    – NO > Upload the external File in the page, add original content around it.

  3. Is it an external document I want to include in the course content for this and future classes for as long as it is relevant?

    – YES > Add to my Beebop Files, then edit my current class Notes to include this File in one of the Chapters.

  4. Do I want to add comments or context for students to understand this external document?

    – YES > Put comments and more in a Post about this file in the Class Channel (which will also send a notification to all the students in this class)