The Courses page (Resources > Courses) contains a list of course definitions which Beebop uses to allocate the correct modules for each class you create.

When you install Beebop for the first time this page will be empty and it's up to you to create each course definition using the 'New' button. Feel free to create one straight away as a test, you can always delete it or rename it later.

What is in a course definition

These definitions consist of a course name, a four-digit code, and a list of modules arranged in course blocks.

Optionally you can also add a course cover image, a description, and tags.

Note that modules cannot be created 'on the fly' on this page; adding modules to a course definition requires those modules to exist already in Resources > Modules.

To get started quickly you can create all the course definitions without modules, and then come back to add them at a later stage.

'Core' or 'Elective'

The only difference between 'core' and 'elective' modules is that students get automatically registered for core modules in their class, while for the elective modules an administrator has to manually select which students to register for which modules.

In any case, whatever you select here can be overriden each time you create a class, so if in doubt you can just leave everything to be 'core' knowing that it can be changed later if necessary.

How to use course block

Course blocks are used for courses that span across multiple school terms (i.e. you may call them study blocks, semesters, etc).

By default, each new course comes with just one block. If your course starts and ends within a single term you can simply add all the modules there using the button called 'Add Module' and ignore the 'Add Block' button at the bottom of the page.

If instead your course is, for example, a two-year accelerated degree and your school year is divded into semesters, you need to create three extra blocks to end up with a total of four blocks (two semesters for each year).

Adding the relevant modules for each block will let Beebop know which modules to add to the classes created for each course and each term.

Course definitions are just templates

It is important to appreciate that these course definitions are only being used when a new class is created, as a way to save you time by prepopulating the class with the correct modules and automatically registering all the students for those modules.

Once a class has been created, any changes made in the course definition can only affect future classes.

For more about the relationship between Courses and Classes, see the full documentation for Administrators.