Tutors and administrators can create the following six types of events:

  1. Personal Events
  2. Lecture Events
  3. Self-Registration Events
  4. Other School Event
  5. Meeting Events
  6. Global Event Events

Students can only create personal events (useful for collaborative work with other students, manage their own study sessions, set reminders, or to book studios and equipment).

Personal Events

These can be used for anything that isn't related to teaching or assisting students; personal events cannot create attendance records or link to any course.

For Tutors, the best use for a personal event is to allocate time to prepare lectures or mark coursework, especially when we want to reserve a room for this purpose.

Personal events can also be used as a way to make ourselves unavailable for other events, thanks to the fact that Beebop warns users when adding participants to events if they are already participants in other events.

Lecture Events

Normally these are created by Administrators who will be adding our names to those events making us 'person in charge'.

Lecture events have the option of being linked to a course Module and can generate attendance records for all the participants associated with those Modules.

The attendance records of lecture events are used to create Class attendance reports.

We should NOT be creating lecture events for mentoring sessions, workshops, practical and extra-curricular activities, because this may skew the averages calculated for the reports.

The rule of thumb is that if there isn't a graded Module that can be associated with an event, it is probably best to use a different type of event ('Self-Registration' or 'Other School Event').

Self-Registration Events

These can be used for one-to-one sessions, workshops, seminars, academic and non-academic events.

Self-registration events can also be used as an alternative to lecture events, for courses where mentoring sessions are used instead of traditional group lectures. This is why self-registration events can also (optionally) be linked to course Modules and create attendance records.

These events are presented in a list which users can access from their homepage.
Only when a user chooses to register for an event this will appear on their personal calendar, and the 'person in charge' for the event gets an instant notification that someone has signed up.

See self-registration events for more details.

Other School Events

This type of event acts as a catch-all for anything that is still somehow relevant to the school community but it is not quite a lecture linked to a graded Module.

Unlike lecture and self-registration events, these cannot link to course Modules, but it is still possible to create attendance registers if required. The attendance records for 'Other School Events' do not end up in the Class reports but can be found in each student's personal records.

Meeting Events

These are mostly used for Staff meetings and do not have any options for tracking attendance.

There is no restriction against using meeting events to arrange meetings with students, but in practice it would probably be more convenient to set up a 'meetings' category of self-registration events because this will give us more control about who can book a meeting with us, with a whole range of registration policies which can make our life easier.

The main purpose for this type of event is to help differentiating them from personal and other school events, so when searching through the calendar for past and future meetings we can use a filter to hide

Global Events

Caution should be used when creating global events. Unlike every other event type which are displayed only to the participants in the event, these are shown to EVERY USER on Beebop.

The purpose for global events is to have a quick way to mark events that affect the whole community, such as holidays, closure days, fire alarm tests, graduation ceremonies, etc.