Clicking on an existing calendar event opens the event page; here, the event owner will see a strip at the bottom of the interface containing a button to open the editor and a button for more actions (copying and deleting the event).

Copying events

Clicking on Copy opens the editor for a new event but all the input fields are pre-filled with the same parameters as the event we wish to copy (except for the repeat parameters).

From here it's up to us to change the date, times, and any other parameters before saving this new event.

If the date and times are not changed, Beebop will warn us that we have a clash of participants, and even prevent us from saving the event if the event included rooms or equipment.

Copying a repeat event

Event created from a copy are ALWAYS set to be single events. In other words, copying a repeat event does not copy the repeat settings.

This doesn't prevent us from creating a repeat series from a copy, but we need to enter those settings manually.

Deleting events

Clicking on 'delete' will delete the event immediately. This action cannot be undone.

Deleting a repeat event

When using the 'delete' button on an event which is part of a repeating series, we will be asked if we want to delete only this event, or this and all following, or the whole repeat sequence.